How many times have you heard about a seminar or a class that’s free and helpful, but you can’t seem to find the time to go? It has happened to all of us
For anyone with a food allergy, certain foods can bring consequences that range from uncomfortable to life-threatening. Such allergies are nothing to take lightly
Four quarts of clean, high quality colostrum (greater than 50 grams per liter [g/L] of immunoglobulins or IgG) — within six hours of birth — has long been the recommendation for successful...
While some dairy farmers would still like to see highly visible dairy advertising spots, those initiatives had become feel-good campaigns yielding little in the way of new product sales. The revamped
“Oh my, she does not look good.”To me, she just looked lethargic. She wasn’t thrifty.That was my first reaction after giving Cow No. 139 a visual evaluation while walking the freestall...
As farmers get their choppers, trucks, and tractors ready to chop and store corn silage, there is one other thing they should plan out ahead of time this chopping season – testing your kernel processor
Many people are sitting next to us in cubicles or standing by us in the grocery line. Or in our case, it could be our neighbors, the sales rep, or a farmer just like us, who is struggling with physical...
I wanted to make our pressure washer more portable, so I put it on a wagon and added a 55-gallon drum and hose reel. I drilled a hole 2 inches from the bottom of the drum and installed a bulkhead fitt
At the same time Brian Waymire was hired as manager of Degroot Dairy in Hanford, Calif., the dairy owners were considering the purchase of an automated activity monitoring system
It has long been understood that cows are creatures of habit and, for the most part, they follow a strict time budget. Three to 5 hours are dedicated to the feedbunk, 10 to 13 are for lying down
People and organizations are always vying for our time. It can be family members, employees, or friends. Where do we draw the line or step forward to assist?
Harry Papageorge of Ogden, Utah, was named the 76th winner of the Klussendorf Award, the highest recognition given to a dairy cattle showman in the United States during the 51st World Dairy Expo
It’s no secret that fluid milk consumption has been on the decline while milk imposters crowd the dairy aisle. The good news, though, is that milk is still America’s top dairy beverage pick
After its launch in 1990, the Cattle Connection not only became standard for marketing purebred dairy cattle, it also became very effective for marketing semen and embryos